Horror Film Pokemon
Name: Rankurusu
Now this is a scary picture. It’s like it came straight to the pokemon world from the gates of hell. Either that or it’s a ventriloquist dummy surrounded by a body of blue jell-O. This pokemon is absolutely horror novel material. I really ought to be the first to write about it. Let me start my story with “It was a night like any other… until.” No that’s not right. How about “Now rankurusu was dead. Dead as a classroom of teenagers at 7 in the morning. But that night, as Ebenezer opened the door to his 5th floor flat, the long extinct pokemon inexplicably appeared to haunt him. And from that day on, rankurusu walked the world of pokemon once again.” Now, were you wondering about the name? So was I. Not much substance to the name. It’s just garbage really. No, really. Garbage is in the name. Kuzu is the less common Japanese word for garbage. (for the ku in rankurusu). Or I guess you could say that this pokemon displays a complete absence of brilliance, since ran=brilliant, ku=section, and rusu=absence. On the other hand, it could just be that the Japanese have no idea what a Toyota Land Cruiser looks like (rankuru=land cruiser).
If I were you, I would look in this pokemons black, beady eyes and refuse to capture it.
Squirrel of Lightning!

Name: Emonga
Ok this is the cutest flying squirrel I’ve ever seen! Sure it might be a little bit of a Pikachu rip off, but I think it’s really kawaii! However… It kind of looks like the Dracula version of Pikachu. Honestly concept artists- what is with the black widow’s peak? Do pokemon even HAVE hair? Oh, but at least you can enjoy it’s high quality surround sound speakers located on the top of its head right?
Emonga literally translates to “art gate is…” or “art gate art” oooh it’s like a haiku…Then again, emonga might just be a real gaki (brat). But emonga most likely refers to emon, meaning drapery, as in the yellow drapery that suspends emonga in the air.
I will be definitely adding this pokemon to my team. Do what you want, but I am absolutely nicknaming mine Rocky.
The Failure Pokemon

Name: Pokabu
Oh my, please… Not another insane starter pokemon! Especially not a fire pig with a bouncy ball tail wearing a brown diaper!! It’s really not hard to figure out where the fire must come from…But the methane gas might be too much for any pokemon trainer.
Well, here at Chalte Chalte, we like to believe that the name is one of the most important things, and we don’t believe that Pokabu was a very wise one. I mean, yes, Pokabu was a careless mistake/blunder, but did you really have to point that out in the name? The Japanese word for blunder, poka, should never be used in a respectable pokemon’s name.
But, I guess if I have to choose one starter pokemon, this one isn’t SO bad. And in reality, it’s name probably comes from the onomatopoeia for warmth throughout your body (pokapoka) and the onomatopoeia for pig sounds-“buubuu!” I have to admit- that’s actually pretty kawaii.
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