Name: Mamanbou
I love this pokemon! Sure it’s not very original, but… Honestly, I don’t really have a good reason to like this pokemon. I just think it’s super cute. In any case, it’s more fun to make fun of these guys anyway, so here I go.
Take a look at this:

Remind you of anything? It should. Did scientists REALLY think we’d fall for that one? Yeah, well nice try. We all know that mamanbou is a pokemon and does not actually exist in any form in the real world. Oh, wait… no. I was wrong. There is. It’s called an ocean sunfish. And guess what? The manbou in mamanbou means ocean sunfish. Talk about naming creativity. Not to mention every time Japanese children try to pronounce this pokemon, people will think they have a stuttering problem.
And just for your information, this ocean sunfish thing (also called Mola Mola) weighs an average of 2200 lbs up to 5,100 lbs making it the heaviest bony fish in the world!! And take a look at it’s size:
I’ll leave you with this: “According to the National Geographic if it lives to adulthood, a sunfish can gain over 60 million times its starting weight: "the equivalent of a healthy, bouncing human baby growing to a weight equal to six Titanics".”
Pink Medusa Pokemon
Literally translates to “probably!”
Looks like some sort of pokemon version of medusa-which obviously means that it would be pink and girly. Can’t tell a lot about it by the only official picture, but some of the fan art is pretty cute.
You know what else it looks like now that I think about it? A kokeshi doll! Honestly!
see? So that makes it a mix between a cute pink doll and an evil medusa replicate... What a great pokemon... And besides that, there's nothing else I can really say about this pokemon. It's funny enough simply looking at its picture so what's the point of dragging out this post like I usually do? I'm sure I lost y'alls attention awhile ago anyway. haha
Choose your own adventure style:
a) Yana, meaning fish trap. Ppu, meaning manner or style.
b) Ya meaning disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, or reluctant. And Nappu obviously meaning nap.
If you chose a: this reminds me of a notebook I got at a Japanese bookstore. On the front was a picture of an adorable Dalmatian puppy getting into the fridge or something like that and the title said “Thief Lupin?” Simply put, it made NO SENCE. And honestly, if you chose “a,” you make no sence. I mean, really-what kind of treeish monkey has the mannerisms of a fish trap? Does the tree somehow lure the fish out of the water? Maybe it knows “fly,” but I’m guessing not, so how would it get there in the first place?
If you chose b: I guess this pokemon’s classification would be grumpy? I mean, bad naps=bad moods. Guess the folks over at Nintendo had a really sucky day. That’s obviously why they have projected their feelings of ‘unpleasant napping’ onto this poor pokemon.
E ither way, you have to agree with me on the strange growth on the monkey pokemon’s head. I’ve heard of nursing trees, but this is ridiculous. On the other hand, perhaps the strange French hair fashions dating back to Marie Antoinette are back in style. A tree shaped hair-style is an obvious choice, after all, when you have lucious green locks
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